Some Interesting Facts about Laughing that You May Not Have Known
One of my favorite personal realizations is that life is too short not to enjoy it. Don’t get me wrong, I have my difficult and challenging days from time to time (sometimes more than expected and/or wanted). With that said, I figured one very quick and simple way a person can enjoy life is by finding something funny and having a good laugh.
Did You Know Laughter:
Is a great team builder and social equalizer – When we laugh with …Read the rest of this article…
Let’s Listen Up.
Filed under: Leadership, Networking, Relationships, Social Awareness
Listening to the other person may be hard to do if you don’t care to listen. That sounds like a pretty straight forward of statement doesn’t it? But what if you really intend to listen to the other person? Do you know if you’re a good listener?
See if you’re guilty of any, if not all, of these:
…Read the rest of this article…
The Importance of Eye Contact
Filed under: Networking, Relationships
Here’s a scenario. You’ve just met someone and you appear to be having a nice conversation. The topic of discussion looks to be a joint area of interest for you and the person you’re speaking with. However, you notice that throughout the conversation, the person is not looking at you but more so looking over your shoulder or to their left and to their right. It’s pretty clear that the person is not giving their undivided attention to the conversation. …Read the rest of this article…