Once More…You Know What They Say About ASSUMING!


Over the last four weeks I’ve needed to travel to Orlando, Florida and then to New York City, New York. Whenever I have the opportunity to travel to such places I love taking the opportunity to have lunch or coffee at “watering holes” that the locals like to frequent. It really gives a person a good perspective on the community. In addition, if you enjoy meeting people and having thought provoking conversations, this can be a very good exercise to go through. However, it appears that one always has to be on guard against those individuals who come up to you and begin to speak with you about something or another as if they know the world more about the subject than you do. Even though they just met you! Ever meet anyone like that? Read more

Increasing Likeability

We all know there are many great blogs out in the online world of the internet. One of my personal favorites is Guy Kawasaki’s blog. Through his blog, he releases many tidbits of wisdom and knowledge. In addition to being the co-founder of Alltop.com (an “online magazine rack” of popular topics on the web) and the previous “chief evangelist” of Apple, he is also the author of ten books including Enchantment, Reality Check and The Macintosh Way. According to Guy, when it comes to being successful in life, your likeability is a key factor. Regardless of one’s age, nationality, knowledge or experience, how likeable they are will determine how effective they will be in most situations. What are ways in which you can increase your likeability? Read more

Giving Thanks…Always

Today is Thanksgiving and many people around the world celebrate it. I originally thought it was only an American holiday being that my recollection recalls learning about how the pilgrims in New England, USA, celebrated the first one in order to give thanks for the bountiful harvest they had that year. It eventually became a holiday tradition that started to include not only the bountiful harvest but all areas that a person or community could be thankful for. Family, friends, health, a home, you name it. Having something in one’s life where not having it would make life less enjoyable is always something to be thankful for. Read more

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