But I Don’t Know How to Network with People!

January 12, 2023 by · 20 Comments
Filed under: Networking 


At a recent event, someone I hadn’t met before came up to me and asked me for advice on how to network. I was flattered that the person asked me.  At the same time, I was puzzled. I asked him why he wanted my advice.  He mentioned that he noticed how easy it seemed for me to meet people and start a conversation. He also mentioned that I looked calm, relaxed and sincerely interested in the person I was speaking with. That last comment really caught my attention and it’s something I hear often. Read more

Once More…You Know What They Say About ASSUMING!


Over the last four weeks I’ve needed to travel to Orlando, Florida and then to New York City, New York. Whenever I have the opportunity to travel to such places I love taking the opportunity to have lunch or coffee at “watering holes” that the locals like to frequent. It really gives a person a good perspective on the community. In addition, if you enjoy meeting people and having thought provoking conversations, this can be a very good exercise to go through. However, it appears that one always has to be on guard against those individuals who come up to you and begin to speak with you about something or another as if they know the world more about the subject than you do. Even though they just met you! Ever meet anyone like that? Read more

Let’s Listen Up.

Listening to the other person may be hard to do if you don’t care to listen. That sounds like a pretty straight forward of statement doesn’t it? But what if you really intend to listen to the other person? Do you know if you’re a good listener?

See if you’re guilty of any, if not all, of these:

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