You Can Discover Culture on Social Media and Social Networking Sites These Days!

With the big buzz in the recent years about social media and social networking, it’s kind of hard to avoid the terms, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and the like. It seems when you turn on the news in the morning or listen to the radio on the way to and from work, you’ll always here someone use the phrase, “and the big thing on Twitter this morning seems to be…” or something similar to that. (You can almost insert many other social media and social networking sites in place on Twitter.) What’s the difference between Social Media and Social Networking? Check out …Read the rest of this article…

Have any Favorite Sayings or Quotes that Inspire You? Share Them!

July 11, 2009 by · 3 Great Opinions, Leave Yours
Filed under: Quotes and Sayings 

Do you have any favorite sayings that inspire or motivate you? Why not share some of them! I have a habit of reading many personal development and inspirational books from which I’ve learned some fantastic sayings. Some of my favorite sayings include “The worst of all fears is the fear of living” by Theodore Roosevelt. Another is “The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer someone else up” by Mark Twain. You never know when a particular saying, or story will …Read the rest of this article…

Finding Information about Mentoring

July 3, 2009 by · 1 Awesome Comment, Add Yours
Filed under: Mentoring 

It’s funny how in this digital age of ours, there is still a large number of people who are not able to find what they are looking for. I’m talking about people who are already connected to the internet, are reasonably internet savvy, and are able to perform searches via Google, Yahoo or what have you.

In the interest of helping people find good information about mentoring, I’ve decided to point out some avenues that …Read the rest of this article…

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