What Does Exercise Have to do with Leadership?
Filed under: Leadership, Personal Development, Positive Attitude
Exercise. Some of us dread it, others can’t wait to get to it. It’s true that exercise can become additive and almost an obsession at times to some people (I myself have been bitten by the exercise workout bug). When I’m forced to go more than a couple of days without working out, I find myself having more trouble getting through the day unscathed by life’s all too familiar stresses and challenges. Read more
How Good is Encouragement?
A while ago I read a story about an elderly man who approached the famous nineteenth-century poet and artist, Dante Gabriel Rossetti. The old fellow had some sketches and drawings that he wanted Rossetti to look at and tell him if they were any good, or if they at least showed potential talent.
After looking over the first few carefully, he knew that they were worthless and showed no sign of artistic talent. But Rossetti was a kind man Read more
35 Great Sites and Articles for Tips on How to Have a Positive Attitude
Can the choice of attitude in your life have an affect on the things that happen to you? I’m a firm believer that it can. Time and time again I’ve been witness to these effects. Both with me and with others. Whenever I choose to have a good attitude, I realize that the level of negative stress in my life is greatly reduced. At the same time, I notice that I recognize more opportunities presenting themselves when I have a better or positive attitude. On the flip side, it’s interesting how people who choose to have a bad or negative attitude seem to have more “bad luck” occurring in their lives. Why is that?
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