Let’s Do Lunch! (…You Call Me)
Sometimes you have to choose between staying in touch with a person and rarely ever connecting. There are many people I’ve met who will say, “Let’s get together for lunch or coffee”. Maybe even meet up on a Friday or a Saturday night at a regional club or restaurant. What’s funny though about some of these people is that unless you call them, you never hear from them. Oh, they do respond to an email, text or phone call. But unless you’re the one initiating the connection, a long time will go by without an ounce of evidence that they even know you. What’s Read more
You Know What They Say About …Assuming
I’ve been taking a little bit of time off from the writing to gather some of my thoughts. We all need that time to ourselves every now and again in order to recharge a bit. Recently, a friend of mine shared a poem she found online where the subject was assumptions and assuming things about people. I’m not sure who wrote it but I wanted to share this poem with you because I thought it was very well written and it could strike a chord with someone who reads it. It did for me. Whether I was the person assuming something about someone or I was the subject of someone’s assumption. Come on, we’ve all been guilty at some point or another of making an assumption about something or someone that turned out to be completely false. Anyone who say’s they’ve never assumed anything about someone else is either kidding around or simply lying. Either to you or to themselves because we’re simply all just human beings. Please enjoy Read more
So You Think You’re an Expert
Sometimes it appears as though there are a lot of people who revel in boasting about their expertise in whatever topic they claim to be an expert in. This seems to be the case whether it’s cars, interrelationship skills, clothes, arts and crafts, or a sport. You name it; there will be an “expert” who can be found for it. Experts who can help others become better at that particular skill or hobby. In today’s world of ultra-competition this can be a blessing for those of us who need to develop ourselves in one of those areas. But what does it really mean to be an expert? If a person chooses to become better at something, and eventually be looked upon as an expert, having a basic understanding of what it means to be an expert will certainly be helpful in achieving that goal. Read more