Hey! Are You Actually Talking to Yourself?
Do you ever find yourself talking to yourself? Either out loud or quietly in your mind? A lot of people associate talking to yourself as more than a little strange. Some even say that if you talk to yourself, you’re just a lonely person with no real friends and that you may need to seek psychiatric counseling. But I don’t agree with that. I don’t even agree with anyone who has really anything negative to say about talking to yourself. The reason being that anyone who has a healthy mind will find themselves talking to themselves more often than not. But what does that really say about a person? Read more
Renew Your Energy
We all have a battery pack within us that helps to sustain our personal energy throughout each day. Nope, I’m not talking about the meal we have in the morning with that fresh cup of coffee or tea, although that is a part of the overall energy equation. I’m talking about the personal energy each one of us has when it comes to just going about the day. Either at work or at a baseball game or the sort, when our personal energy is charged, you feel good. You feel that you can do good work, enjoy game you’re watching, or keep up with a group conversation. But when your personal energy is down, you find yourself getting easily irritated, your concentration becomes more difficult to maintain, your interest in doing something begins to be lacking. Read more
When There is Simply Not Enough Time
Keeping busy can definitely lead to a sharper and quicker mind. But what if being consistently busy is not getting you the results you want? What if you find that you can’t get everything you set out to do accomplished? Even if you do accomplish it, is it up the caliber you wish it to be? It’s really great to be involved in many great activities and organizations. But if you aren’t satisfied with the quality of the things you are delivering, it may be time to re-evaluate. Read more