Should A Leader Swear?

A prolific leader by the name of Spencer W. Kimball once noted: “Profanity is the attempt of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully.” How many people would agree with that statement? It’s also been mentioned that a person who uses profanity to continuously express themselves is only showing their limited command of basic language skills. Most, if not all languages, have multiple ways of expressing themselves strongly for just about any type of situation without the use of swearing or the use of profane language. Sometimes though people find the need to cuss in order to get the point across to others.

When given the choice of using profane language, some freely choose to verbally let loose like the most talented sailor as the saying goes. But what good is it to cuss? …Read the rest of this article…

Give a Gift without Expecting Something in Return

In the work of French sociologist, Marcel Mauss, it’s stated that “Gifts are never free!”. That when someone gives another person a gift, they are always expecting something recipricol in return from that person. Now how much truth is in that really? Many of my friends and associates have argued with me when it comes to the notion of there being no such thing as a free gift. Some even have gone so far as to say that one should be wary of an unexpected gift giver appearing before you and giving you a gift. Especially one you didn’t ask for. Is there really such a thing as a free gift? I say there is. …Read the rest of this article…

Leading and the Multigenerational Factor

June 13, 2010 by · 2 Great Opinions, Leave Yours
Filed under: Leadership 

If you’re in the workforce today you’ve probably experienced misunderstandings that occur due to people being of differing generations. You may not know or believe that misunderstandings can occur due to people being of different generations, but they do and it’s simply a fact of life. This simple fact is probably more important today than ever before and here’s why. For the first time in human history, we have four separate generations working together in society. Each generation has its own characteristics, strengths, likes and dislikes, and working style. …Read the rest of this article…

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