Giving Thanks…Always

Today is Thanksgiving and many people around the world celebrate it. I originally thought it was only an American holiday being that my recollection recalls learning about how the pilgrims in New England, USA, celebrated the first one in order to give thanks for the bountiful harvest they had that year. It eventually became a holiday tradition that started to include not only the bountiful harvest but all areas that a person or community could be thankful for. Family, friends, health, a home, you name it. Having something in one’s life where not having it would make life less enjoyable is always something to be thankful for.

My own life has had many ups and down in the past few months. Many ups and downs have occurred in my personal life as well as some in my professional and social lives. This has caused me to have some personal soul searching in order to “come to grips” as they say with the things going on in one’s life. It’s good to do soul searching every now and again because it helps a person to have a clear perspective with the world, their role in it and their life. My humble opinion tells me that soul searching is an exercise that everyone needs to do at least once in their life if not more. Some of the most successful people (is society, academia, in business or religion, etc.) I know have admitted to having personally soul searched at least once in their lifetime. Many of those same people have actually said that they do it regularly because without it they have often fallen prey to their own self-deception.

Now, how many times a person does soul searching is completely up to them. I really do enjoy the quote by that famous author known only as ‘Anonymous’ that says, “The greatest evil in the world is self-deception, because self-deception preys on the troubled soul.” One of the simplest and easiest first steps to doing a personal soul search is to take a look at the good things one has in one’s life and thankful for them. Today being Thanksgiving is a good day to do just that. Why? Because, in addition to the saying “there’s no time like the present to begin something”, there are many other people today also giving thanks for what they have in their lives.

One of my aunt’s recently sent me the below prayer of Thanksgiving. After having read it, I thought what a great item to share with others. Whether a person is religious or not, we can always be grateful for the things we have. Whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, that perspective is always up to you.

Thank you Lord
Because everything goes well ,
For a clear and receptive mind
For the light that illuminates me,
For the life that heals my body,
For the abundance of all good things,
For the people who come into my life,
For those I love but have to let go,
For my home,
For my work,
For my study,
For my abundant remuneration
For my constant protection
For the safety of everyone who walks on the street,
For peace in my heart,
In my home,
In my work,
In my country,
In my city,
In my continent,
On my planet …
Thank God for this world in order.

Lord, always remind me that nothing is going to happen that you and I cannot resolve.


Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


2 Intelligent Opinions, Leave Yours on Giving Thanks…Always

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  3. menda on Wed, 10th May 2017 4:43 am

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