You Know What They Say About …Assuming

July 23, 2011 by
Filed under: Helpful Insights, Personal Development 

I’ve been taking a little bit of time off from the writing to gather some of my thoughts. We all need that time to ourselves every now and again in order to recharge a bit. Recently, a friend of mine shared a poem she found online where the subject was assumptions and assuming things about people. I’m not sure who wrote it but I wanted to share this poem with you because I thought it was very well written and it could strike a chord with someone who reads it. It did for me. Whether I was the person assuming something about someone or I was the subject of someone’s assumption. Come on, we’ve all been guilty at some point or another of making an assumption about something or someone that turned out to be completely false. Anyone who say’s they’ve never assumed anything about someone else is either kidding around or simply lying. Either to you or to themselves because we’re simply all just human beings. Please enjoy the poem below and choose to make it a great day!

I laugh, they assume I never cry.

I am mostly ‘seen’ happy; they assume I am never sad.

I am calm; they assume I am cold.

There are a very few things that anger me, they assume nothing makes me angry.

Just because I am cheerful, I am not allowed to feel low.

Just because I am less often seen in a bad mood; they assume nothing can spoil it.

I don’t react to everything that happens around me; they assume I have no opinions whatsoever.

I cannot elicit everything I feel; they assume I lack clarity of thought.

I am not an egoist; they assume I don’t need to be respected.

I don’t talk about the things I do; they assume I have done nothing great.

Just because I work, they assume I am never tired of it.

In things I can do by myself, I don’t ask for help; they assume I never need any.

When I don’t say, “I can” and rather say, “I will”; they assume I am being overconfident.

When I say, “I can’t”, they ask, “why”, and assume I am shirking my responsibilities.

I am not harsh on anyone; they assume I am meek.

I don’t punish; they assume I can’t.

I forgive; they assume I forget.

I don’t brood over the past; they assume I am ‘blessed’ with memory loss.

I seem to take impulsive decisions, but my decisions are well thought; they assume I am too immature to ‘think’ and decide.

I am impromptu 🙂 They assume I am prompted.

I dream during the day; they assume I am day dreaming.

When I am lost in my own world, they assume I have lost it!

I don’t like to give excuses for my failures; they assume I can’t ‘explain’.

I don’t like to explain my mistakes; they assume I have no regrets about things I should be sorry for.

When I say I am inexperienced; they assume I know nothing.

I don’t read people the way they do; they assume I am illiterate.

I look at all sides of the coin; they assume there are only two and conveniently forget the edges.

I like being given the space I need; they give it, then invade it; assuming they have a right to.

I like being the way I am; they assume I can’t be like them although I want to.

When I stand out in the crowd, they assume I am standing out of it.

When I come across people assuming things about me, I try not to lose heart and tell myself, they are doing the easiest thing they can do, which is ‘assuming’. Assuming is equivalent to not understanding. Those who fail to understand; either because they are unable to or because they don’t want to, are the ones who ‘assume’.

Tell me, as you were reading the above, did anything or anyone come to mind? Have you ever been the subject of either a negative or positive assumption?


2 Intelligent Opinions, Leave Yours on You Know What They Say About …Assuming

  1. Alka Abrol on Fri, 26th Aug 2011 2:44 pm
  2. I can so identify with that one ….

  3. Gil Pizano on Sat, 27th Aug 2011 11:36 pm
  4. Thanks for the comment Alka!…Cheers!!

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